Christian Education is for everyone! The combined-three Sunday School classes are now meeting on Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. The class is taught by Dr. Pat Koeppe from the Connections Lectionary-based Bible Study series. This Christian Education class meets in Avery Hall. We look forward to seeing you!
Our Circle of Friends groups promote fellowship, support and connection with other Chapel members and friends. Each Circle is typically between 8 and 20 people and is organized around meeting once a month for brunch on a Saturday or at a local restaurant. Other groups meet at the Chapel and share common interests: i.e. yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well as other activities. It is an opportunity to get to know better both visitors as well as new members coming to the Chapel. Groups change on an annual basis based upon a sign up sheet and activities offered.
In addition to our Christian Education classes, the Chapel also hosts small group Bible Study sessions. These sessions typically run for several weeks at a time depending on the course of study. Our current Bible Study group is meeting Friday mornings at 10 a.m. We welcome all newcomers to our Bible Study sessions.
Chapel Care Ministries – Christian Care Giving – A Way of Life
The mission of the Chapel Care Ministry is to offer Pastoral Care to the members of the Chapel and to share the unconditional love of Christ through a team of lay volunteers and lay ministers who are united in prayer and trained in spiritual care ministry.
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